The lake
The lake represents the origin and main symbolic identity of the town of Banyoles.
The lake and its associated lacustrine basin are regarded as the largest karstic stretch on the Iberian Peninsula, and make up an environmental system of enormous value.
Located to the West of the town itself, it was declared part of the Plan for Spaces of National Interest (Pla d’Espais d’Interès Nacional, PEIN) by the Catalonia Generalitat. In 2003, it was included in the Ramsar List of Wetlands of International Importance, and has been put forward for inclusion in the Natura 2000 Network for the Mediterranean region.
In addition, the Banyoles Town Council, as well as the local population, are petitioning for it to be declared a Nature Reserve.

The town of Banyoles is the capital of Pla de l'Estany County, located in the centre of the counties that make up Girona. Its main attraction, the lake, has turned it into a dynamic, open and enterprising town. Banyoles and its county not only represent a place of great ecological, cultural and historic interest, but also a never-ending source of tourism, sport and leisure-related activities.
A note from Jaume Farriol “Everyone believes that his or her home town is the best town in the world. Naturally, the people from Banyoles are no different. In this case, however, there is a one clear difference: Banyoles is the best town in the world. That is, at least, what the people round here all say, and they are well known for their wisdom. If you don’t believe us, come see for yourself!” Banyoles vora el llac (1966).